Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Slovakia Here We Come

As some of you know may know, I was awarded a Fulbright Grant to the Slovak Republic for the 2007-2008 School Year. During this time I will be working with the faculty of the Economics and Management Department at Slovak Agricultural University (SAU) in Nitra. My wife Kathy and I will be departing in early September 2007 and returning in mid January 2008. My plan is to teach economics classes and to work with faculty at SAU to develop several short case studies for use in classes by Slovak students.
I taught at the Slovak Agricultural University in 1996 shortly after the fall of Communism in Eastern Europe in 1989 and the "velvet divorce" in 1993. The "velvet divorce" refers to the peaceful separation of Czechoslovakia into the Czech and Slovak Republics. We are very interested in seeing first hand the changes that have taken place since our earlier stay.

Kathy and I have invested a great deal of time and effort preparing for this mission and we are very excited about beginning our assignment. We will keep you informed of our progress on this site.

The Slovak Republic: A Few Basic Facts

The Slovak Republic is located in Central Europe. It is bordered on the North by Poland, the Northwest by Czech Republic, on the South by Hungary, on the West by Austria and on the East by the Ukraine. It is a small country, about twice the size of New Hampshire, with a population of about 5.5 million. Further background information about the Slovak Republic can be obtained from the CIA World Factbook. Slovakia.org's History of Slovakia and Radio Prague's History Online Virtual Exhibit "How It All Began" provide brief but excellent presentations of the historical background of the present day Slovak and Czech Republics.